Google sends out dummy specs in try-before-you-buy program
In a marketing move that some may find a little odd/problem Google is now sending out dummy sets of Glass as part of a new try-on scheme to let you find out how the gadget feels perched on the end of your schnoz, or, perhaps more importantly, so you can decide if you look like a Glass hole before you splash out on the yet-to-launch device.
A number of individuals who’d previously expressed an interest in its high-tech specs, the Mountain View company offered a Glass unit with a set of prescription frames from its recently launched Titanium Collection “to help you find the frame style and Glass color that fits you best before you purchase.”
In a statement, Google confirmed the program and said it would decide at a later date whether to continue with it.
The try before you buy kit features a non functioning Glass device, so instead of being able to use it to take photos,shoot videos listen music handle messages get directions and making phone calls . you`ll instead have to settle with simply putting it on .
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